Breakfast!!! Whole Wheat Toast with Avocado Cream topped with a Poached Egg

Start the day off right with this easy, DELICIOUS breakfast. I just love breakfast…I really do. If I had to choose I’d say it’s my favorite meal of the day. This breakfast takes 5 minutes to make and is super easy. Don’t be  afraid of poaching an egg. Just simmer some water, add a tablespoon of vinegar, stir the water and gently place the egg in. Cook 2 – 3 minutes depending on how easy or hard boiled you like them. 

Start by making the avocado cream and mash a ripe avocado in a small bowl:

Add Greek yogurt and a dash of your favorite hot sauce, garlic powder and salt:

Mix it all together and put it on your toast:

Poach your egg and put it on top:


3 thoughts on “Breakfast!!! Whole Wheat Toast with Avocado Cream topped with a Poached Egg

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